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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lick the star

This is the first movie that Sofia Coppola directed and produced. This film shows us what the girls between the ages of 12 and 14 years old are thinking and the problems that they have. For example, in the movie there is a scene that shows the different personalities in a class. There are the shy classmates, the unruly classmates, and the girls that came from the high society. Usually at that age girls and boys are easily influenced. If we want to see an example from the real world, we can see how the boys and girls are at the school.

The movie reminded me of when my sister was in school. When she was 15, she started at a new school with different classmates and teachers. The education in that school was extremely different and strict. My sister wanted something different so she started to drink alcohol and smoke. Sometimes she didn’t go to school and was getting bad grades. Unfortunately as a consequence of her actions she failed many of her classes. My parents were afraid and they didn´t know what to do with my sister.

With this background information we can conclude that we can use this kind of a movie to realize how young people are act and why. Maybe the teacher in a class can show this film and then the students work on an exercise commenting about their own experiences and if they are reflected in the movie. The exercise can be very useful to the teacher and parents because this allows both parties to understand and know the problems that the students are going through.

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